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Prince Ash

Hip Hop // Galway, Galway // He/Him

Prince Ash is a rapper from Salthill, Galway City in Ireland.

With the help of friend and long time collaborator młody sleep, Prince Ash dropped his debut album The Legend Of Ashitaka (The Curse) on the 24th of April 2021. This was followed by the EP's Lone Wolf and Sounds From The County Hell in July and September 2021. Continuing a busy 2021 Ash subsequently dropped his second studio album SOLACE in December 2021. Ash in 2021 also dropped the singles GALLOWS, DARKNESS, Angel and Bonnie & Clyde.

In 2022 Ash parted ways with his old producer and friend młody sleep in search for a more authentic sound and began work with local Galway producer DJ Green. In 2022 Ash dropped the song all Irish go to heaven. Once again, in 2022 Ash and DJ Green parted ways.

Prince Ash is currently working on his third studio album 'The Legend Of Ashitaka II (Return Of The Prince)' which is a follow up album to his first album The Legend Of Ashitaka (The Curse) the album is set to drop in August/September 2024. Apologies for the pushbacks and delays but Ash is working hard to find the perfect sound. Prince Ash is now evolving a new, more lyrical, crisp and clean sound in himself, with help from local producer 'ARM DA TRACK', which is going to flow through the new album.

Ash is dropping the next single with a music video on Dearfach TV on July 9th stay tuned! one more single coming the following week!